Web, Android, iOS

We made the project in several iterations and supported it for two years. In December 2020, Sberbank acquired and decided to integrate the platform into its ecosystem in order to further develop IT solutions for the housing and utility market.


Liga ZhKH - a franchise company for the management of residential buildings. The company now manages 40 houses in several cities in Russia and continues to expand, a feature of the company - in a modern approach to building management and interaction with residents. Liga gives priority to management transparency and human communication between employees and residents.


Liga was needed to establish new channels of communication with tenants, to automate internal business processes, to get modern tools for working with applications and reporting, to control the meters installed in the houses. Taking into account the specifics of the business approach of the company, it was decided to develop a platform that would help to solve all these problems within a single digital environment.

What we did

  1. CRM-system

To organize the work of employees with requests, we have developed a CRM-system, which combines monitoring of the condition of houses, processing of requests from residents, and also allows to distribute tasks among employees and monitor their implementation.

Building relationships with residents

The capital of the management company is long-term relations with residents. CRM keeps a history of interactions. A personal office and a mobile chat application make communication with the management company simple and straightforward. Owners' meetings can be held online, saving employees time instead of rounding up residents with voting lists.

Quality Control

It is easier to work with satisfied residents. Assessment of the residents' mood (NPS) allows to understand in time what went wrong, and eliminate problems before residents think about changing the management company. Checklists to monitor compliance with management company standards can help ensure that you are creating a service of expected high quality.

  1. Mobile application for employees

The mobile application, fully integrated with the CRM system, helps to quickly distribute tasks in real time and report on the work done. An employee can do the work on request in building territory even without an Internet connection and not waste time on reporting from a desktop computer, but simply fill in all the information on request in the application.

  1. Resident's Personal Cabinet app and web-page

Residential building management involves a large number of requests from residents on issues ranging from a leaky crane to the condition of the building territory. Time and quality of response to these requests is one of the main indicators of the management company's efficiency.

We have developed a mobile and web-based version of the personal cabinet, with the help of which residents can communicate in real time with employees of the management company.

This app and web-page allows:

  • chat with the management team
  • conduct online tenant meetings, voting and house surveys
  • view and pay utility bills
  • meter reading
  • live view of the house's account status

In the process of system creation it was decided to scale and customize it for use by external organizations. It meant additional improvement of architecture and already ready components for use  not only within one company, but also to connect users from other managing companies which have got access to system.


В 2018 году к нам обратилась Лига ЖКХ под руководством Ильи Сотонина.

Лига ЖКХ – это франшизная управляющая компания, которая предлагает свои услуги многоквартирным жилым домам. Когда Лига ЖКХ настроила и отладила внутри своего бизнеса все технологические процессы, такие как обслуживание дома мастером (электриком, сантехником и так далее), коммуникация между жильцами и ЖКХ посредством комьюнити-менеджера, компания решила автоматизировать и перевести всё это в цифру. Таким образом появилось приложение, чье главное преимущество – упрощённость и прозрачность работы ЖКХ с домом, который она обслуживает.

Проект был реализован нами в несколько итераций и поддерживался в течение двух лет. В декабре 2020 Сбербанк приобрел и принял решение об интеграции платформы в свою экосистему с целью дальнейшего развития IT-решений для рынка ЖКХ.


Лиге ЖКХ требовалось наладить новые каналы общения с жильцами, автоматизировать внутренние бизнес-процессы, получить современные инструменты для работы с заявками и отчетностью, а также установить контроль за приборами учёта в домах.

Эта система была необходима по двум глобальным причинам: для создания долгосрочных и позитивных отношений с жителями и для контроля качества работы ЖКХ.

Учитывая специфику бизнес-подхода самой Лиги ЖКХ, наша команда решила разработать платформу, которая помогла бы решить все эти задачи в рамках единой цифровой среды.

Что мы сделали

  1. CRM-систему для сотрудников

Для организации оперативной и прозрачной работы сотрудников с заявками разработали CRM-систему. Она объединяет в себе мониторинг состояния домов, обработку заявок жителей, а также позволяет распределять задачи между сотрудниками и отслеживать их выполнение.

Для удобства сотрудников мы визуализировали каждый дом в виде шахматки. Таким образом, можно видеть все квартиры в каждом доме и закрытые/открытые задачи благодаря цветовой индикации. В блоке слева находится весь необходимый функционал. В блоке справа – чат с жильцами и с сотрудниками. Система хранит всю историю взаимодействия.

Также в CRM-системе можно отслеживать настроение жителей с помощью NPS (Net Promoter Score). Это индекс счастья, который рассчитывается на основе ответа жителей на вопрос «Насколько вы готовы порекомендовать Лигу ЖКХ».

  1. Мобильное приложение для сотрудников

Сделали мобильное приложение, интегрированное с CRM-системой. Оно помогает быстро распределять задачи в режиме реального времени и отчитываться о проделанной работе. Важное преимущество, что сотрудник может заниматься работой по заявке на территории дома без подключения к интернету и не тратить время на оформления отчетности на стационарном компьютере. Можно просто заполнить всю информацию по заявке в приложении, и она автоматически появится там.

  1. Личный кабинет жителя

Нам нужно было обеспечить жителей и сотрудников ЖКХ быстрой коммуникацией в режиме реального времени. Для этого разработали мобильную и веб-версию личного кабинета.

Кабинет позволяет:

  • общаться в чате с сотрудниками УК;
  • проводить онлайн-собрания жильцов, голосования и опросы по вопросам дома;
  • просматривать и оплачивать квитанции за коммунальные услуги;
  • сдавать показания приборов учета;
  • видеть информацию по состоянию счета дома в реальном времени.

В процессе создания системы было принято решение о ее масштабировании и кастомизации для использования внешними организациями. Это потребовало доработок архитектуры и уже готовых компонентов для использования системы не только в пределах одной компании.


Liga has received convenient tools for internal business processes and for communication with residents, which has improved many performance indicators in the company:

  • The number of lost applications from residents has been reduced by 4 times - all applications are now received and stored electronically.
  • The database with residents' contacts was updated in a month.
  • The time of execution of requests was reduced by three times.
  • Reporting by employees on completed tasks was simplified and communication between residents and the management company was simplified.
  • Monitoring of house finances became available online to any resident.

In the process of working on the project it was necessary to have a deep understanding of the business processes of both the Liga and the housing and utilities sector in general.


После введения системы в эксплуатацию компания получила эффективные инструменты для внутренних бизнес-процессов и для общения с жителями, что позволило улучшить многие показатели в работе компании:

• Количество потерявшихся заявок от жителей сократилось в 4 раза – все обращения теперь сохранялись в электронном виде.

• База с контактами жителей актуализировалась за месяц.

• Время исполнения заявок сократилось в три раза. Упростилась отчетность сотрудников по выполненным задачам, упростилось общение между жителями и УК.

• Мониторинг финансов дома стал доступен онлайн любому жителю.

В процессе работы над проектом потребовалось глубокое понимание бизнес-процессов как Лиги, так и сферы ЖКХ в целом.

Связаться с нами

Web, Android, iOS

We made the project in several iterations and supported it for two years. In December 2020, Sberbank acquired and decided to integrate the platform into its ecosystem in order to further develop IT solutions for the housing and utility market.


Liga ZhKH - a franchise company for the management of residential buildings. The company now manages 40 houses in several cities in Russia and continues to expand, a feature of the company - in a modern approach to building management and interaction with residents. Liga gives priority to management transparency and human communication between employees and residents.


Liga was needed to establish new channels of communication with tenants, to automate internal business processes, to get modern tools for working with applications and reporting, to control the meters installed in the houses. Taking into account the specifics of the business approach of the company, it was decided to develop a platform that would help to solve all these problems within a single digital environment.

What we did

  1. CRM-system

To organize the work of employees with requests, we have developed a CRM-system, which combines monitoring of the condition of houses, processing of requests from residents, and also allows to distribute tasks among employees and monitor their implementation.

Building relationships with residents

The capital of the management company is long-term relations with residents. CRM keeps a history of interactions. A personal office and a mobile chat application make communication with the management company simple and straightforward. Owners' meetings can be held online, saving employees time instead of rounding up residents with voting lists.

Quality Control

It is easier to work with satisfied residents. Assessment of the residents' mood (NPS) allows to understand in time what went wrong, and eliminate problems before residents think about changing the management company. Checklists to monitor compliance with management company standards can help ensure that you are creating a service of expected high quality.

  1. Mobile application for employees

The mobile application, fully integrated with the CRM system, helps to quickly distribute tasks in real time and report on the work done. An employee can do the work on request in building territory even without an Internet connection and not waste time on reporting from a desktop computer, but simply fill in all the information on request in the application.

  1. Resident's Personal Cabinet app and web-page

Residential building management involves a large number of requests from residents on issues ranging from a leaky crane to the condition of the building territory. Time and quality of response to these requests is one of the main indicators of the management company's efficiency.

We have developed a mobile and web-based version of the personal cabinet, with the help of which residents can communicate in real time with employees of the management company.

This app and web-page allows:

  • chat with the management team
  • conduct online tenant meetings, voting and house surveys
  • view and pay utility bills
  • meter reading
  • live view of the house's account status

In the process of system creation it was decided to scale and customize it for use by external organizations. It meant additional improvement of architecture and already ready components for use  not only within one company, but also to connect users from other managing companies which have got access to system.


Liga has received convenient tools for internal business processes and for communication with residents, which has improved many performance indicators in the company:

  • The number of lost applications from residents has been reduced by 4 times - all applications are now received and stored electronically.
  • The database with residents' contacts was updated in a month.
  • The time of execution of requests was reduced by three times.
  • Reporting by employees on completed tasks was simplified and communication between residents and the management company was simplified.
  • Monitoring of house finances became available online to any resident.

In the process of working on the project it was necessary to have a deep understanding of the business processes of both the Liga and the housing and utilities sector in general.

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